Emotions are largely WHY we behave the way we do and greatly influence WHAT we bring into our life and how we treat our MIND and BODY too.
This is due to imprinted patterns we've unknowingly been carrying since childhood, which make us act unconsciously often in direct opposition to what we ACTUALLY want to do.
The result? We feel powerless, out of control, confused and STUCK.
We remove the EMOTIONAL obstructions FIRST by working on our energy system to access and release the MENTAL, PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL obstructions that are keeping us trapped in ill-health, frustration and worry.
By bringing the ENERGY SYSTEM back into balance + uncovering your SOUL TRUTHS + supporting yourself with all the energectic LIFESTYLE tools your life will re-align with your highest purpose and bliss [checkout my offerings for more info on this].
Step 1 Take a minute to notice your field. Is there something coming up in your field that is triggering you? Maybe it's a family member or a mentor that is triggering you. A person showing up in your space that is creating results and you feel like this isn’t happening for you. Maybe it is a life circumstance. Take some time to journal on this or video yourself speaking this out.
Step 2 This is about going a layer deeper and asking yourself - what is this trigger showing me? What is it bringing up for me? Another way of thinking about this is what core story am I writing based on this trigger? E.g. if one of the triggers is watching people have so much spaciousness in their life, travelling the world etc... Then maybe the core story is, “I am never going to have that kind of freedom no matter what I do”. This is the ‘story’ that contributes to feeling triggered by watching these people online. Take some time to journal on that.
Step 3 This is going another layer deeper again and asking ourselves - what tender, sensitivity, soft spot or vulnerability does this highlight for me? This is usually some kind of need or desire that isn’t being met. Take the trigger shared above around watching people that have a lot of freedom. This might actually highlight the need for more support and for more white space to get a little bit more time for you. This exercise is like rain seeping deeper and deeper into the earth. It starts at the top soil and considering what rubs you the wrong way, then you go deeper into sitting with the core story, and then even deeper again as you consider the tender soft spot and the need/desire not being met.
Step 4 And then the LAST PIECE to this exercise is - what action do I need to take internally or externally in order to process this trigger? E.g. the internal action might be doing this exercise and coming into awareness that it exists - starting to get neutral about it and knowing that this is necessary for this to be released and healed. And sometimes, we need to take an external action. E.g. in some cases, if we are triggered by someone we are in a relationship with, we might need to have a conversation for the resolution of that trigger.
Enjoy x